Coming soon: Love & Pride

Coming soon: Love & Pride

Photo: casmaron CC-BY-SA-NC.

Starting next week, our theme will be Love & Pride: let’s celebrate our diversity and stand together for equality!

Here’s a sneak peek:

‘Love & Pride’ is all about LGBT equality: ‘LGBT’ is shorthand for a range of sexual orientations and gender identities, including: lesbian, gay, bi and trans.

People of diverse orientations and identities are valuable members of our community, who bring a lot to society: our diversity makes us stronger.

Unfortunately, LGBT people are often not given the rights and respect they deserve.  In over 70 countries being LGBT is illegal; in 10 countries this includes facing the death penalty.

In many other places LGBT couples & families are not given equal legal status and rights to heterosexual and cisgender couples & families.  Even in countries with more progressive laws, LGBT people can face rejection and abuse from others at work, school, in the community and even their own families.

Let’s make sure that LGBT people are accepted and celebrated in our society.  Throughout April & May 2017, pop into Peace Hub to:

  • Find out more
  • Read about personal stories
  • Play our ‘LGBT Legends’ game
  • Share your experiences
  • Take action for Sam, a trans man who has faced abuse from the police in Venezuela

In the meantime, you’ve still got a couple of days to join in with our Fairtrade theme.  And chocolate lovers, fear not: we’ll still be selling Fairtrade goodies throughout the year!

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