Keep Taking a Stand for Freedom of Conscience

Keep Taking a Stand for Freedom of Conscience

Our Taking a Stand theme is coming to an end at Peace Hub, but there are still plenty of ways to keep taking action for Freedom of Conscience.

Prisoners of Conscience continue to be persecuted around the world: Amnesty International campaigns for their release and for greater human rights.  You can see Amnesty’s latest campaigns for individual prisoners of conscience, or find a local group and get more involved in spreading the word and taking action.

In this centenary year of the conscription act, there is much happening to commemorate the Conscientious Objectors of the first world war: No Glory in War have information on events and actions, while The White Feather Diaries is recording the history of COs.  Today, conscientious objectors still face persecution and imprisonment in many places: War Resisters International campaigns for their rights.  You can join WRI’s ‘CO Alert’ mailing list, to hear about conscientious objectors and take action for them.

And while we no longer have conscription in the UK, we are still forced to support war through our taxes. Conscience are hoping to bring their Peace Tax Bill to Parliament with MP Ruth Cadbury: keep an eye on their website for more details, or to ‘sign up’ as a Conscientious Objector to war tax yourself.

And as always, you can continue to pop into Peace Hub for a chat about these issues, and to find resources tohelp you take action.

And look out for our next theme: Peaceful Brum, coming July 2016.

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