Safe & Sound?

Safe & Sound?

We’re pleased to announce our new theme at Peace Hub, from now until the end of 2022:

Safe & Sound
How can we create security for everyone?

Traditionally we see security as safety from threats. So often at the Hub, when we’re suggesting actions to support each other, people react with a note of fear: “it would be nice, but what if X happened?”. Fear can make us favour short-term solutions that take away the immediate threat, but don’t solve the underlying problems.

The Rethinking Security network identifies these problems with our current model of security:

  • It’s disconnected from people’s daily needs and concerns;
  • It justifies arms sales to corrupt and repressive regimes;
  • It overlooks problems such as inequality and climate change;
  • It relies on heavy weaponry and military interventions;
  • It allows excessive surveillance, and stigmatises minority groups.

Is there another way?

If we see security as ‘freedom to live’, rather than ‘avoiding threats’, could it help us to take a long-term approach that creates a just and peaceful world for all of us?

  • Could we reimagine security as a form of freedom? 
  • How can we work together to make each other secure?

Rethinking Security suggest a new model of security based on these principles:

  • Meeting people’s basic needs;
  • Protecting human rights;
  • Promoting climate justice;
  • Improving social equality;
  • Investing in peacebuilding, dialogue and cooperation.

It’s not easy! This new idea of security takes patience, and can involve giving up some of our power, as well as working with those we previously viewed as enemies. The good news is that many individuals, communities and organisations are starting to put these ideas into practice, so there’s lots of experience we can learn from.

Pop into Peace Hub, throughout the rest of 2022 to:

  • Find out more;
  • Read stories of individuals and groups putting these ideas into practice;
  • Support the campaign to help meet our basic needs;
  • Stand Together with Refugees;
  • Wear a White Poppy for a culture of Peace.

Image, clockwise from top left:

  • Food scientist Clare Mukankusi is supporting farmers in Uganda breed more varieties of crops to help both food security and the environment. Georgina Smith / CIAT.
  • ‘People Before Profit’ tattoo, stock image.
  • Restorative dialogue, stock image.
  • Loujain al-Hathloul a human rights defender in Saudi Arabia. Amnesty International.
  • Little Amal visits Birmingham, the 3m tall puppet made a journey from Syria to the UK, representing millions of child refugees.

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