Pledge to Share the Love and stand up to bullying

Pledge to Share the Love and stand up to bullying

Photo: Caelie Frampton.

“Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person (or group) by another person (or group), where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.”

Anti-Bullying Alliance

Bullying can happen in schools, workplaces, online or in the community: anywhere where there is a group of people, and some have more power than others.  Sadly, in recent months there’s been a rise in hateful speech and behaviour directed at anyone who appears ‘different’: refugees, people from other countries, and people of faith have all been targeted.  And women, LGBT+ people, and people with disabilities continue to face harassment in public places.

But don’t despair: where there is a group of people, there is also the capacity for kindness and friendship, and help to find a better way.  When we stand in solidarity, we are powerful.

Pledge to use your Power for Good to speak up when you see bullying and hateful behaviour, report incidents, and show kindness and support to those being bullied.

Pop into Peace Hub to sign the pledge (organised by the NGO ‘i Street Watch’) to say that if you witness bullying or harrasment you will speak out and show friendship and support to the person being targetted.  Make sure you stay safe – don’t confront someone if it will make the situation worse.  Instead,  you could record the incident, and check that the person is OK.

If you’re a bit unsure about what you should do if you see bullying taking place, then pop into the Hub for a chat: we’ve got top tips on how to respond to conflict and stand up, while staying safe. There’s also some good advice in the video from VideoRev below:

Peace Hub is promoting this because we feel it is a positive action that fits with our current theme.  It should not be inferred that i Street Watch, the Anti-Bullying Alliance or Video Rev endorse Peace Hub in any way.

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