How can we support each other’s mental health & wellbeing?
1 in 4 people experience a mental health problem each year. Meanwhile the pandemic has created what Mind are calling a mental health emergency.
- By speaking openly about mental health we can challenge stigma;
- By listening deeply to each other’s experiences we can create a supportive environment;
- By changing our systems we can look after each other’s mental health & wellbeing.
There are simple steps we can all take: sometimes it’s as simple as asking a friend ‘how are you?’ and really listening to the answer.
But people experiencing mental health problems can also face systematic discrimination. This can intersect with other forms of structural inequality such as racism and classism.
What would a system that supports our mental health & wellbeing look like?
How can work together to demand a better system?
Join in throughout April, May & June 2021 to:
- Read personal stories
- Get tips for holding positive conversations about mental health
- Share ideas for looking after our mental wellbeing in these difficult times
- Take action for a fairer system
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