How can we build Climate Justice?
Communities, governments and international bodies around the world are declaring a ‘climate emergency’. Here in Birmingham, our city council made a declaration in June 2019, with unanimous support. But what does this mean, and how can we build justice in response this emergency?
‘Climate justice’ means protecting everyone’s environment, through a fair use of energy and resources. More than that, it’s an opportunity to address inequality and injustice at the same time as taking climate action, and put the people who are most affected at the heart of our struggle.
The Birmingham declaration calls for a ‘just transition’ to net-zero carbon for the city by 2030. It’s an ambitious target that can only be achieved by making big changes to our lives, but the council’s declaration of a ‘section 114 notice’ puts these ambitions at risk. We can all make a difference as individuals, but we also need to come together to make the changes needed.
How much do you feel part of a local or city community?
How can we uphold those who have have contributed least to climate change, but are suffering the most from it?
These are difficult questions, and if you’re not sure where to begin, why not pop into Peace Hub for a friendly chat and to get some inspiration.
Join us throughout November and December 2023, and January 2024 to:
- Find out more and get tips on living sustainably;
- Read personal stories about people standing up for climate justice;
- Let us know what parts of our local and global environment you love and want to protect;
- Call on the council to stick with it’s commitment to net-zero by 2030.
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