Keep taking action to Share our Common Wealth

Keep taking action to Share our Common Wealth

After 12 days celebrating sport and our city, hosting athletes and teams from across the world, the Commonwealth Games closed last night.

Our theme Sharing Common Wealth? continues until the end of August, so feel free to pop into town (now that it’s a bit less busy!) and say hello to us on Bull St. You could combine your visit with a trip to the giant mechanical bull (pictured in Centenary Square), whose part in the opening ceremony was a metaphor for healing and and shifting from violence to peace.

The cultural festival which runs alongside the games has tried to begin conversations about the complex and contested history of the Commonwealth, while the opening & closing ceremonies also alluded to this. At Peace Hub we’re keen to explore these questions and hear your views, so do pop in for a friendly chat.

All of the issues that we’ve highlighted over the past months continue beyond the games, including:

  • LGBTI+ rights in the Commonwealth, particularly the campaign against draconian new laws led by LGBT Ghana;
  • The campaign against human trafficking led by It’s a Penalty;
  • Climate change already affecting many Commonwealth countries, and the need for climate justice;
  • The need to stand together with refugees and recognise that ‘we are here because you were there’.

Many of us have also noticed the positive atmosphere in the city over the past two weeks and are keen to carry that sense of community forward as we try to take action on these difficult issues. The organisation As One are encouraging people to nurture a sense of connection, kindness, friendliness and belonging in their neighbourhoods and bring some of the spirit of togetherness into our everyday interactions.

Our next theme in the autumn will be about creating safety and security for all of us – which intersects with many of these issues. So drop into the Hub, or join in online, and keep the conversation going!

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