As we reopen for 2022, our first theme at Peace Hub is Live, Love, Learn – all about sustainable education.
Education helps us to gain skills and knowledge that allow us to work and support ourselves. But it’s about much more than that. Education helps us to understand the world the world we live in, and empathise with other people, as well as solve problems.
Most importantly, education gives us the confidence to change things for the better.
Across the world, people like Malala Yousafzai are working for equal access to education for everyone. Here in the UK, the Our Shared World network is calling for sustainable education by 2030. People are using the Human Rights Act to ensure fair access to school for everyone. Others are challenging militarism in schools. Throughout January, February & March 2022, we’ll be exploring different ways that people are taking action for peaceful and sustainable education – and how you can take part and support them.
Even closer to home, our sister organisation Peacemakers are educating for peace, working with both adults and children to develop skills, knowledge, behaviour and systems that develop peaceful behaviour and environments and help communities find creative ways to deal with conflict and harm.
This includes Junior Peacemakers, a joint project between Peacemakers and Peace Hub, encouraging pupils to explore Peace Within (Inner Peace); Peace Between (Peaceful Relationships) and Peace Throughout (Peaceful Communities).
Find out more about how Peacemakers are supporting peaceful and sustainable education in their recent Newsletter, including:
- Review of Peer Mediation and Junior Peacemaker Workshops
- Review of Positive Peace Groups in secondary schools
- RESTORE course for primary Schools
- Junior Peacemakers Workshop Guide
- 3 day Restorative Practitioner training
Pop into Peace Hub this winter to find out more and get ideas for action, all over a friendly cuppa. Or watch this space for more details on our blog and social media.
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