Stop the Telford Arms Fair

Stop the Telford Arms Fair

Make a Peace Dove to send a message:
no to arms and yes to peace.

For three days in November 2024, the weapons industry plans to set up shop in Telford at an arms fair called SDSC.

The arms fair left the 3 Counties Showground in Malvern after widespread protest. They came to Telford International Centre (just north-west of Birmingham) last November instead – and plan to return.

We will be gathering alongside Quakers, CAAT, Extinction Rebellion, Palestine Solidarity and others in non-violent protest on Wednesday 20th November. All are welcome to join, and say ‘no to weapons’ and ‘yes to peace’.

Share your message

Share a message of solidarity on a peace dove, which will be taken to Telford in November, alongside the beautiful dove puppet (modelled here by our own Pete, as part of the recent Peace Pilgrimage from Malvern to Telford).

You can pop into Peace Hub to make your own origami dove, or simply add a message to one we’ve already made. We’ll also be here for a chat about the issues, and how you can get involved.

Or follow the video below to make your own dove, and bring it along on Weds 20th Nov, or post it to us before then. For younger children there is a simpler cut-out design that you can make with concertina wings.

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