Peace Hub has an exciting programme of themes for the coming year, all exploring how we can start building a more peaceful community here in Birmingham – and how we can contribute to building justice around the world.
To start the year, our theme for January & February is Be the Friendly Face of Brum – how can we welcome refugees & asylum seekers?
Refugees are fleeing from danger in their home country and come to Britain to ask for safety. Sadly, they face a ‘hostile environment’ from those in power. But local communities are proving that we’re better than this: how can we show that Brum is a welcoming city, proud to be a place of sanctuary?
Then over the coming months we’ll be looking at:
- Climate Emergency;
- Peace & Non-violence in our Community;
- Equal Education;
- Anti-slavery;
- Economic Equality.
Pop into Peace Hub between 11am and 5pm Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday to find out more, have your say, and take part in a simple action.
We look forward to seeing you soon!