Our theme Safe & Sound? is all about finding news ways to keep ourselves secure. The Rethinking Security network identifies 5 priorities for a secure world: invest in peacebuilding; meet people’s basic needs; protect human rights; improve social equality; and tackle climate breakdown.
In this article, we’re looking at how we could Tackle Problems like Climate Breakdown.
Our most basic security need is to have a liveable planet. Yet climate change is often left down the list of security priorities. Climate breakdown could also make increase conflict, as resources become more scarce.
Could tackling problems like climate breakdown help to create a foundation for building security for everyone?
Read Patricia’s Story to find out how you can get involved, supporting indigenous climate activists in the Amazon.
Climate Refugees
Our climate has already begun changing: disasters such as storms and floods are becoming more frequent. People around the world are already being forced to leave their homes due to the effects of climate change making them ‘climate refugees’ – although this term is not yet officially recognised.
The International Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) found that approximately 19.3 million people had to leave their homes due to disasters in 100 countries in 2014. Friends of the Earth has been campaigning for people in this situation to be recognised as refugees, and be given the international protection that comes with that.
Pop into Peace Hub to find out more about Climate Refugees, and explore how tackling problems like climate breakdown could help make us all more secure. And watch this space for the new year, when our first two themes will be on Refugees Welcome, and the Climate Emergency.