Let’s spend £100 billion on health, housing & renewables: not nuclear weapons.
In early 2016, parliament will vote on whether to renew the Trident system of nuclear weapons.
Costing over £100 billion across 40 years, it will be the biggest spending decision this parliament makes.
Instead, that money could pay for any of these things:
- Fully fund all A&E services for the next 40 years.
- Build 1.5 million affordable homes.
- Enough wind-turbines to power all UK households.
- Scrap tuition fees for 4 million students.
Meanwhile, Trident is not a deterrent against any of the major problems facing our world today: Terrorism, Climate Change, The Refugee Crisis, Cyber-security, Inequality.
To tackle these issues we need peace-building, cooperation and justice. When the UK engages in diplomacy and supports peace-talks, we will have far more moral authority if we are not stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction.