We have almost reached the end of our focus on Conscientious Objectors at Peace Hub, but there are still plenty of ways to get involved and take action on this issue.
15th May is International Conscientious Objectors Day – there are events happening across the country, and around the world, including a Quaker Meeting for Worship the following day at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire.

War Resisters International campaign for Conscientious Objectors around the world. They have a database of people that you can write to, currently in prison for refusing to kill; or you can sign up to receive action alerts by email.
The exhibition Faith & Action: Quakers and the First World War continues at Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery until 7th June 2015, featuring stories of Conscientious Objectors and others during WWI (free entry).
And in the autumn Peace Hub will be selling white poppies to commemorate all who have died in war, and show commitment to ‘No More War’.
If you are interested in learning more or taking action, pop into Peace Hub for a friendly chat about how to get involved.
Meanwhile, Peace Hub’s next peace & justice theme is focussing on asylum seekers & refugees – pop into the Hub to find out more & take action!