Being a ‘Hub’
There are lots of organisations in the West Midlands, the UK and globally, who are doing great work for peace & justice. At Peace Hub our aim is to seek out and highlight this work (rather than reinventing the wheel by creating our own campaigns).
So if you’re part of a group that’s working for peace and justice, please get in touch!
Partnership working
As well as promoting the work of other peaceful and just organisations, we’re keen to work in partnership with groups in the West Midlands who are working for a better world.
Currently we are part of Footsteps (Faiths for a Low Carbon Future) a group bringing together faiths in Birmingham to respond to the challenge of moving to a Low Carbon Future. We have also been working with a diverse range of people to resist the arms trade. And we work with our fellow Quaker organisations.
If your organisation would be interested in working in partnership with Peace Hub, please get in touch

Peace & Justice Themes
We focus on a broad range of peace & justice themes, and are keen to work together with other groups who are already taking action on those themes. You can also submit ideas for themes that we could work on.
We recognise that there are many peace and justice issues that individuals and groups, both within Quakers and the wider peace-movement, feel passionately about, and would like Peace Hub to take up. We aim to select a wide range of themes, but must work with finite resources and in accordance with our Quaker principles.
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Friends & Partners

Educating for Peace
he West Midlands Quaker Peace Education Project (Peacemakers) are based at Peace Hub, on the 1st Floor. They work in partnerships with schools to help them build more peaceful communities by delivering training to adults and children.