Take Action on the Climate Emergency

person holding a green plant

Take Action on the Climate Emergency

A round up of online actions you can currently take on the climate emergency – personal, local, national and international:

Personal Action

Eco Action Families have made a great video explaining some simple personal actions that you can take, including switching to a renewable energy provider and choosing a bank that invests sustainably. They then show how you can have a ‘Ripple Effect’ by getting three other people to do the same. Watch the video below, and download your ripple sheet.

Local Action

Birmingham City Council have developed a plan for the city over the next 20 years and are asking residents for feedback. The plan has some good headlines about a green city – let the council know that you want this to be translated into genuine action, not just green-washing. Read the plan and respond to the consultation.

Our joint petition on ‘Replace Incineration with Better Waste Options’ was presented to the city council in December, but you can still add weight to it by adding your signature. Find out more about how what Birmingham does with it’s waste, and sign the petition.

National Action

Friends of the Earth are calling on the UK government to stick to commitments made last year to stop funding polluting oil and gas projects abroad. Sign the petition.

Greenpeace are calling on the UK government to stop plans for a new coal mine in Cumbria, and instead invest in renewables. Sign the petition.

The Climate Coalition are running their annual Show the Love campaign, highlighting to MPs the things we want to protect from climate change. Write to your MP.

International Action

Fridays for Future are telling countries in the Global North that ‘Africa is not a Dumpster’, in particular calling on the US to stop exporting it’s waste to Kenya. Read more and sign the petitions.

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