Update on Recent Themes

Update on Recent Themes

A quick update on three of our recent themes: Our Shared Environment, Grub’s Up and Taking a Stand.

Resisting Fracking

In January & February this year, you took action against fracking, supporting Friends of the Earth’s petition to let local communities have a say over possible fracking in their area.

At the same time, an example of this principle in action was playing out in Lancashire. Fracking company Cuadrilla wanted to frack at Roseacre Wood, in spite of local opposition, and the county council refusing their application. Cuadrilla had appealed to the government to overrule local people’s concerns, but on 12th February this was turned down.

You can read about how a combination of local campaigning and national solidarity helped to stop fracking at Roseacre Wood, and how you can support efforts to prevent fracking elsewhere in Lancashire and across the UK.

Taking a Stand for Human Rights

In November and December you send messages of support for Loujain al-Hathloul and other women’s human rights campaigners in Saudi Arabia.

Sadly Loujain remains in prison – you can read an update on her case from her sister, published on International Women’s Day, and continue to take action via Amnesty International.

Supporting Sustainable Trade

In September and October, you supported Sustain’s petition to the House of Lords, asking for Trade Bill currently passing through parliament to be written to ensure that future trade agreements uphold good standards for sustainability and fairness in our food system.

An amendment to the Trade Bill was passed in the Lords earlier this month that will allow parliament scrutiny over any future trade agreements. It doesn’t guarantee food sustainability in itself, but it would mean that parliament will have oversight, so that future governments cannot water down standards without approval from MPs.

You can read about what the amendment means in practice, and look out for actions to support the amendment being accepted by MPs when the Trade Bill returns to the House of Commons

As always, you can pop into Peace Hub to discuss any of these issues, and find out about our current theme Think Global, Act Local, Get Equal, which intersects with all of them.

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