Pay it Forward

Pay it Forward

Photo: Caelie Frampton: CC BY-NC-SA

As part of our Peaceful Brum theme, we’re inviting you to pop into Peace Hub to share a small act of kindness that someone has done for you recently, by adding it to our kindness board.

Then pledge to Pay it Forward: choose a small act of kindness that you will offer someone else, to keep spreading the love.

Need some inspiration?  We’ve got some ideas for simple action you can take:

  •  Sharing a smile on your commute
  •  Offering to help a friend or neighbour with a chore
  •  Checking if someone is OK if they look upset
  •  Welcoming someone new at a place you regularly go

Pick one of our suggestions above, take inspiration from things people have written on our board, or come up with your own idea.

Fill out a pledge card to give yourself some extra motivation: it’s easier to go through with your pledge if you’ve told someone else about it.  If you choose, we can return your pledge in a few weeks, to see how you got on.

And if you’re thinking “this is all very nice, but what difference will it make?” then take a look at Hannah’s story in Positive News magazine.  Hannah Brencher started doing small acts of kindness in her local area, and has now inspired a movement around the world.  She says:

“It has certainly changed what I think is possible and how very much my little hands can do within this world. I would have been the first to tell you that letters could not make a difference and I have been proven wrong over and over again. There is a very real need for this project. It fills me with great joy and purpose and it allows me to connect with people all over the world and inspire them.”

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