Refusing to Kill – Working for Peace

Refusing to Kill – Working for Peace

We are pleased to announce Peace Hub’s peace & justice theme for March and April:

Conscientious Objection: Then & Now

COs bannerRefusing to Kill – Working for Peace

Along with other pacifists, many Quakers refused to fight in WWI when conscription began in 1916.  Some took ‘non-combative’ roles, such as the Friends Ambulance Unit.  Others were absolutists and were sent to prison; some were even sentenced to death and only reprieved at the last-minute.

The courage and strength of conviction of these men helped establish the right to conscientious objection in Britain.  But today around 30 countries have some form of conscription to the armed forces, and in places including South Korea, Columbia and Turkey, conscientious objectors still face imprisonment and social stigma.

Pop into Peace Hub any weekday between 11:00 and 14:30 to find out more about the link between those who refused to kill 100 years ago, and the people today standing up for what they believe and working for peace.

You can get a cuppa and have a chat about the issues; browse books on peace-work then and now; and send a message of solidarity to two men currently in prison in South Korea for conscientiously objecting.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

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